There is nothing that stregthens one’s conceptual understanding more than teaching it to someone. I have always loved to teach and I’ve had the opportunity to be a Teaching Assistant for many courses at IIIT Hyderabad.

Introduction to Perception and Robotics

Fall 2021, Spring 2022

I am currently TAing this amazing introductory robotics course at Georgia Tech. This course covers fundamental problems and leading solutions to autonomous robot behavior – how can a robot perceive the world, and how can it use that information to operate effectively. Students work on various assignments where they have to deploy their algorithms in the real-world on a Cozmo, which makes it very exciting and frustrating at the same time!

Robotics: Planning and Navigation

Spring 2021

This was the newest addition to the set of robotics courses at IIIT Hyderabad. The course aims to introduce state of the art algorithms in the broad area of robot navigation. These algorithms span across AI methods, Kinematic and Dynamics based approaches as well as control theoretic formulations, thereby giving the student a ringside view of the main algorithms in this area. These approaches are applicable to both ground robots and aerial vehicles.

Deep Learning and AI

RRC Summer School, 2020

I was responsible for teaching certain areas of machine learning at the summer school organised by the Robotics Research Centre for the new lab entrants. I taught many concepts in deep learning, including transfer learning, various optimisation methods, hyperparameter tuning and regularisation. I set a couple of interesting assignments and taught the students how to train neural networks efficiently and effectively.

Design and Analysis of Software Systems

Spring 2020

This is the most famous software engineering course offered at IIIT, Hyderabad. Students form teams and have to work for real life clients as part of their projects. Students work for these clients for 4 months, earning some valuable industry experience and exposure.

I had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for this course under Prof. Ramesh Loganathan. I was responsible for setting and evaluating assignments and teaching how to build web applications, coding in Python and JavaScript and advising four project teams.

Digital Logic and Processors

Monsoon 2019

To truly be a computer ‘engineer’, it is essential to have a fundamental understanding of the design and architecture of a computer and how it’s built from the inside. Digital Logic and Processors is a foundational computer systems course offered at IIIT, Hyderabad.

I was responsible for creating assignments and teaching the fundamentals of digital logic and the architecture a simple 8-bit processor, under Prof. Aftab Hussain. The latter was the most awesome part, as it involved building a simple processor from scratch!